I'm Sharni Ferrari, a proud Wakka Wakka woman, wife and homeschooling Mum of two living on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi / Kabi Kabi Country in SE QLD. I create woven and crystal jewellery, accessories and home decor inspired by nature and my culture. I have a passion for weaving with humble, natural, sustainable and recycled materials, and I love to weave with Elders, women and young people in my community.
As a young girl, you could always find me sitting in circle with my Mum, Grandma, Aunties and other community women, listening to their stories as we crafted with our hands. If I wasn't there, then in true freshwater Murri style you could find me knee deep in the creek fossicking for Jasper, or at my local gem club learning about crystals from all over Australia.
My Dad's house has always been adorned in Aboriginal Art and precious artefacts collected over time, so even as a young person with the whole world as my oyster, crystals, weaving with women and art from my culture has always spoken deeply to my soul. That connection has stayed strong to this day, and it's a legacy I'm passing onto my children.

I adore crystals in all of their forms. Their energies, ancient wisdom and connection to the land have always drawn me in, offering me comfort, strength, safety, insight, knowledge, healing and magic whenever I needed it most. I remember the first time I was handed a piece of Mookaite by my Uncle, and he told me that my Ancestors were free when this crystal was forming. From that day on, Mookaite has always been my favorite Australian crystal, and I gained a new appreciation and respect for all crystals and the energy they harness.
As I grew up I realised that shopping small, supporting local, buying handmade and gifting with intention was really important to me, and crystals became my currency of love. Crystals for happy times, to celebrate success, for new beginnings, for letting go, for strength, hope, peace and calm, and in those sad times when words just weren't enough.
I learned to weave by mending fishing nets with my Aunties and it wasn't long before I was weaving baskets and little net necklaces so I could wear my crystals and carry their energetic goodness around with me. I love that I can weave by the beach, or in the bush, or under a snuggly blanket on those late rainy nights ~ It's a big part of my life and I love that my children get to grow up still witnessing the magic of slow, intentional handcraft
I'm passionate about guiding weaving and yarning circles with women in the community because I know how healing weaving can be. I believe when women gather in circle, held and supported by our soul sisters, we unlock ancient ancestral wisdom that heals us and helps us navigate the blessed mess of life.
I love weaving with young people from Early Childhood right up until Highschool and beyond, helping to embed cultural understanding and appreciation in their education, and giving them a skill to carry through life that is calming, soothing and healing.

My journey has evolved so much over the years, but the intention of From The Flame Trees has always been the same. This is a place of creativity, community and connection,where the trinkets I weave are infused with love, intention and humble handcrafted charm. Every inch of fibre I have woven has flowed through my fingers, and every crystal I have bound has been hand chosen by me, sourced by Australian stockists and local fossickers. Every piece that I create carries a little of my essence, a deep respect for my culture and a whole lot of soul.
Baugull wanyi, thanks for being here. Your support means so much to me and my family ❤️🌿
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